The Fatawa's of Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah). Though he preferred the Hanbali school of jurisprudence, he was never biased in favor of it, he frequently quotes the opinions of all four of the well-known schools of jurisprudence, even others. In a number of matters, he himself held opinions different from those of the four schools.
Author: Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah
Warning to those who have abandoned prayers
Author: Khaalid Abu Saalih - Khalid Abu Salih
Publisher: Daar Al-Watan
An article to refute the allegations of those who say that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him authored the Quran. Refuting the allegations of those who say that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him learned the Quran from a person. Refuting the allegations of those who say that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him learned the Quran from the Satan.
Publisher: A website Islam Religion
A very useful article shows the pure Islamic belief of monotheism. It briefly mentions that Allah alone is worthy of worship, He is worshipped directly and Allah is not like his creation nor his creation is like him.
Author: Abdur-Rahman Demashqeyyah
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: An Islamic centre of Qatar
This is an article talks about the virtue of Muharram month, the divine Month, in the light of the Prophetic hadiths. It relates the story of Day of Ashuraa' (10th of Muharram), urges to fast it and mentions the reason behind the recommendation on fasting this day and the day before it, all of that through the prophetic hadiths.
Author: Abdullah ibn Saleh Al-Fowzan - Abdullah ibn Saleh Al-Fawzan
Reveiwers: Abu Adham Osama Omara
Publisher: A website Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah
Introduction to history of polytheism and monotheism: Allah (glory be to him) created all people as Muslims and monotheists but devils came to them and changed and distorted their religion. Allah said in a qudsi hadith, “I created all my slaves as haneefs (monotheists), but the devils came to them, made them deviate from their religion, forbade them that which I had permitted to them, and commanded them to join partners with me for which I has given no authority.” As soon as people commit a type of polytheism, Allah sends his prophets to call them to the suitable type of monotheism.
Author: Ameen Al-Ansaari
Publisher: A website Knowing Allah :