Abridged translation of the Introduction and four chapters from Ibn al-Jawzee's classical work Talbees Iblees Dr. Bilal Philips' explosive edited translation of Ibn al-Jawzee's classical work 'Talbees Iblees', which offers the Ibn Jawzee's views on the Shi'a sect, as well as various other groups such as the Khawaarij (Khaarijites) and the Baatineeyah.
Author: ِAbu Alfaraj ibn AlJawzi
A clarification of the great danger magic poses to Muslims and various du'aas to cure it
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Publisher: Daar Al-Watan
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1263
In this book, Dr. Saleh As-Saleh just mentions the Quranic verses talking about the following topics, for example: who is Allah, we should worship none but him, proofs for his existence, the final Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) and purpose of our life.
Author: Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
Publisher: http://understand-islam.net - Understand Islam Website
The Wisdom behind the Islamic Laws Regarding Women: A treatise presented for the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China
Author: Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq
Translators: Ali at-Tamimi
Publisher: IANA
3 Treatises concerning Tobacco by the great scholars: Muhammmad bin Ibraaheem, as-Sadi, and bin Baaz
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz - Abdur-Rahman Bin Nasir as-Sadi - Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aal-ish-Sheikh
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1235
God in Christianity... What is His Nature?: The intent of this work is to honestly and sincerely present the truth that was found
Author: Naji Ibrahim al-Arfaj